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From "Ya basta!" <yabasta@tin.it>
Date Tue, 21 Sep 1999 23:27:29 +0200
Subject globe_l: thoughts and actions (3)

Dear Friends,
We are sending you an up-date on our present activities; please take a
look and let us know what you think.

We are also sending the program of action for this autumn linked to work on
migrants, an idea of ours for the 25/26 September to prepare for the
European Day against Fortress Europe on 15 October, that we presented at
Bangalore (PGA conference) - also in the poster session - to collect
possible support from outside Europe.

The text 'Age of Clandestinity' is more general and is meant to be an
overview of the issues we have taken the most regular interest in.

For us this is something that will help prepare for the meeting of Peoples'
Global Action (PGA) - the network that organised Caravan 99 - which will be
held in London in October.  This is a meeting that intends preparing a
European 'consulta' of movements to co-ordinate fights that are often of a
similar nature, carried out by the various European movements.

Let us have your comments and let's start thinking of what can be done for
the action days.

'till soon,

Associazione Ya Basta!
For the dignity of all people
against neoliberism.
Via Watteau 7,
20125 Milan,
tel:  02 6705185
fax:  02 6705621
email:  yabasta@tin.it


Migrants, ësans papiersí, refugees

from the presentation of viable projects
to the network for the closure of the prison camps.

Öthe symbol of the fourth world war is an enormous wall
that runs from the Rio Grande to Turkey, through Gibraltar and then north,
leaving out Eastern Europe; and dividing Australia, Japan and East AsiaÖ

A year ago this autumn a Belgian policeman suffocated Semira Adamu, a young
Nigerian woman, guilty of not possessing a stay permit.

The murder of this woman sparked off a European campaign of initiatives,
aiming to modify the treatment reserved by Fortress Europe for the women and
men who migrate to our continent without legal authorisation.

There has been a chain of initiatives - EU policy has continued to be
applied; while the existence of authentic state concentration camps was
being revealed throughout Italy, these ëtemporary centresí were being
completed and were coming into operation.

We continue to witness the effects of these choices, of this vision of
migrant peoples that exploits a fictitious link between migrants and social
alarm - a policy that follows the tendency of the experts to create demons
by talking about public law and order, so as to spread public panic.  Today
this regards migrants, tomorrow all those who use drugs, the next day anyone
who opposes state policies.

One year after the murder of Semira, with the European Tampere summit on
ìSecurity and Immigrationî of 15 October drawing nearer, it seems necessary
to us to take stock of the situation and sum up the alternatives to this
sort of treatment, proposing an exchange of opinions between some of the
grassroots social areas that are strongly aware of the necessity of
continuing this fight for dignity.  An opportunity to reflect on the
possibility of starting up mechanisms for co-ordinating all those in Italy
and in the rest of Europe who oppose the logic of walls, gates, fortresses
and prison camps.

An amalgam of social centres, self-organising collectives, scholars,
non-aligned social operators and diverse religious figures has resulted.
Their roots and features are varied; but they all share the certainty that
social conditions must be re-constructed starting from the very beginning
and that good intentions must be followed up by widespread action, that
conferences must be followed up by formal accusations.




Saturday 25 September
Presentation of projects

9.00  a.m.  Introduction
Bruno Menotti
(Assoc. Ya Basta! - Lombardy)


9.30    a.m.  Alessandro Dal Lago: Political strategy of immigration
10.00  a.m.    Salvatore Palidda: The manipulation of statistics, the
migrant = criminality equation
10.30  a.m.    Alessandro Mezzadra


11.00  a.m.    Roberto  Montis: Presentation of project ìGenoa - Open Cityî
11.30 a.m. Roberto Faure: Right to citizenship and employment.  Legal aid,
information points
12.00 p.m. Maurizio Russo Spena and Gianluca Pesciola (Orma Project - Rome):
Housing for refugees, observatory on refugees and migrants
Guido Lutrario: (Assoc. Ya Basta! - Rome)
12.30  p.m.  Matteo Jade (C.S.A. Emiliano Zapata - Genoa): Project for the
Peoplesí and Culturesí House
1.00  p.m.  Break


2.00  p.m.   Melina Miele (C.S. Leoncavallo & Assoc. Ya Basta!): Project for
The Invisible Communities
2.30 p.m.  Hossin El Kebich (Filef Lombardy): Domestic legislation and legal
aid information points
3.00 p.m.  Don Andrea Gallo (C.S.T.d.N.) Project Centre for Arrivals.
Co-operation with the Genoa Town Council.
3.30  p.m.  C.S.TNT - jesi. Legal aid information points


4.00 p.m.  Giovanni Amedura (Punto zip/Senza Frontiere - Turin), Piero
Maggiorotti (Area di abse ASL 1 Turin):  Health information point for
Marco Revelli:  Nomads Project in Turin
4.30  p.m.  Don Luigi Ciotti:  Mobile Units: work on the streets with
socially rejected ësans papiersí (prostitution, addiction)
5.00  p.m.  Riccardo de Facci (Co-operativa Lotta contro líEmaginazione):
project ìCity of Milanî for limiting damage.  Immigration and the
possibility of  ongoing health care.
5.30 p.m.  Toy Racchetti (LILA):  Health care and planning in prisons for
ësans papiersí.
6.00  p.m.  Enza Zapparoli (SERT ASL no.1 in San Vittore prison):  Provision
of health care inside prisons and possibility of accessing alternatives to
6.30 p.m.  Radio Sherwood - Robin Hood: Project Melting Pot on the tight to
information.  Talk on prisons.
7.00 p.m.  Marco Beltrami (The Mole and the Clock - Imperia):  Experiences
on the running of the arrivals camp for Kurdish people in Pietrabruna.


Sunday 26 September
9.00 a.m.  Start of the dayís work

9.30a.m.  Gianfranco Schiavone (ICS - Trieste):
political refugees, figures and impossibility of gaining recognition of


Centro Sociale Il Molino - Lugano
Independent Offensive 99 - Helsinki - organisation of the counter summit at
Tampere on 15 October, on the occasion of the emergency summit of  EU Heads
of State on immigration and security.

How to build a network for co-ordinating information for migrants and
closing the prison camps.

1.30  p.m.  End of  Meeting

The meeting will be held at the C.S. Leoncavallo, Via Watteau 7, Milan.
Tel. 02 6705158



Don Luigi Ciotti, Alessandro Dal Lago, Don Andrea Gallo, Alessandro
Mezzadra, Salvatore Palidda, Marco Revelli, Cooperativa Lotta contro
l'emarginazione - Milano, Progetto Genova Cittý Aperta, Filef Lombardia,
ICS - Trieste, C.S. Il Molino - Lugano, LILA - Milano, A.S.L. n. 1 - Milano,
Autonome Offensive 99 - Helsinki - Finlandia, Progetto Orma - Roma, Radio
Sherwood\Robin Hood - Padova, C.S. TNT - Jesi, Ass. Ya Basta! - Roma,
Laboratorio Nord-Ovest: Laboratorio Studentesco Bulk, DeriveApprodi, C.S.
Eterotopia - S.Giuliano Milanese, C.S. Leoncavallo - Milano, Circolo
Anarchico Ponte della Ghisolfa - Milano, Punto zip/ Senza frontiere -
Torino, C.S. La talpa e l'orologio - Imperia, C.S. Terra di Nessuno -
Genova, Ass. Ya Basta! - Lombardia, C.S. Zapata  Genova.



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european counter network
contact e-mail : samizdat@ecn.org
envoi de messages sur la liste :  globe_l@ecn.org
archives web : www.ecn.org/lists/globe_l

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