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From "Ya basta!" <yabasta@tin.it>
Date Wed, 27 Oct 1999 12:37:05 +0200
Subject globe_l: European Network "Cross the Borders"

Life after TampereÖ(a proposal for an european network "cross the borders")

Some short comments and ideas for future activities. First of all a BIG
on the behalf of the organizers of the Tampere meeting to everybody. To the
groups present in Tampere and to the groups making actions in Europe.

The result of the event in the Finnish context was excellent. Media space, a
big demonstration (for a country without this kind of tradition and so
and a clear political sign. The term Fortress Europe is now a part of the
language of the EU. All the communicative activities of the EU was basically
planned in order to give the message: îwe do not build Fortress Europeî. Of
course we know very well what is the reality of the factsÖand the message
diffuse by the Union was an admission of what happen.

Regarding the political aspects of networking process we think that for the
moment we do not have to talk about a ìpolitical structureî of
overdetermination of the struggles or about a îcartelî of different names.
us, in Finland, this network is a real moment of concrete dialogue between
different situations and a moment of synchronization of the initiatives. Of
course we hope that this process of debate, verification and common
will have in future a ìpolitical and organizativeî result, but we think that
really need time. It is also important to understand that our purpose is not
just to launch every 4 months or half year an European Action Day. Our
intention is build a political, or better, a social subject and a common

During the European action day we produce together many events. Small things
because at the moment the situation is this. We have to start from the
From the block of the check-in desk in an airport or from the distribution
flyers. All this in order to grow up, together, materially. Of course if
groups are in the position to mobilize 25.000 person we think that this is
good, but we think also that at the moment this is more an exception than

We have the opinion that now is very important to give continuity to the
activities started during the European action day and in Tampere:

1) The first point is to open a closed mailing list in a friendly server for
groups involved in this îCross the Bordersî network. A proposal regarding
groups to involve in the list is in this my message (we think that is better
do not use the Borders list because is an open list and under a governmental
server). Pls. feel free to add more groups to the list (in particularly we
that someone involved in the Tampere event have the contact information of
persons of St.Petersburgh's antifascist collectiv). Also if you are not
interested to be involved pls. inform us and we will cancel you from the
mailing list. Also is important to have representative from the following
countries (Poland, England, Norway, Spain and Austria). We also ask help in
order to build materially the list: a list-owner and a server.

2) The second idea what we launch is to start to publish a
in tabloid format of 8 or 12 pages in different edition for different
and languages with articles from different situations and groups. Nothing of
deeply theoretical but more an instrument in order to report about struggles
and common event in european schale. We think also that we can call for
number for one more theoretical article in order to give to the participants
the projects and readers some new categories of comprehension and

3) The third idea is to start to think about the proposal of some camps in
summer of 2000 on the borders of the fortress Europe. We also would like to
include on the concept îborderî the airports of the countries that do not
a direct borderline with the world outside the fortress.

4) In finally the proposal to build an European day of actions against air
companies. The proposal sound very interesting and we think that in Finland
are interested to do something.

Those are our proposals for "life after Tampere". We really believe in the
possibility to develop this European network of struggles.

Autonome Offensive 99 / Finland

We just put a short description of the groups what we know. Sorry if our
description is too reductive or wrong. We hope that everyone will take care
a short description of activities or give a better a definition of thisÖ

finlandia@ecn.org, Autonome Offensive 99 group, Finland, represent also
Finnish groups in this network

yabasta@tin.it, Ya Basta network from Italy, operate in different cities
Milano, Imperia, Roma etc,

ludo@sherwood.it, Padova, Italy

fls@ibu.de, Kein Mensch ist Illegal network from Germany

cae-paris@wanadoo, Collective against the Expulsion, Paris, France



com_antagonista@hotmail.com, Network of autonomous collectives from Tuscany,

luca2000@caramail.com, represent some comrades from Rome, Italy.

molino@cybernet.com, Social Center fron Lugano, Switzerland

urs@dojo.tao.ca, scalp/reflex group from Paris, France, involved in the CAE
Paris and part of the No Pasaran network

sthiry@gate71.be, CCLE Bruxelles, Belgium

brand@motkraft.net, Swedish collective publishing a newspaper

chiapaskursen@hotmail.com, Zapatista solidarity group of Sweden

ska@ecn.org, Network of different realities of struggles in Napoli, Italy


afastockholm@motkraft.net, Antifascist Action, Stockholm, Sweden


inter.fo@inform.dk, Danish group involved in the zapatista network

ac@xs4all.nl, Autonomous Center from Amsterdam, Nederland



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european counter network
contact e-mail : samizdat@ecn.org
envoi de messages sur la liste :  globe_l@ecn.org
archives web : www.ecn.org/lists/globe_l

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