wash <>
Mon, 20 Dec 1999 23:34:00 +0100
globe_l: [Fwd: Manifs en pologne, a moscou et ý berlin]
Comite Tchetchenie a Ècrit :
> Infos sur des manifestations le 12 en Pologne et ý Moscou (avec le texte du
> tract pour ceux qui parlent russe ) et en Allemagne le 16
> 1 - En pologne
> Date: Sun, 12 Dec 99 17:05:10 CET
> From: Zaczek <>
> Subject: Demo at Russian embassy in Warsaw
> To:,
> 200 people rocked the Russian embassy in Warsaw,things exploded all over
> the place, 5 arrested, blockade of the police car with arrestees, general
> beating of demonstrators. People were mostly anarchists, but also a lot of
> people from Katyn memorials, from Belarus, from Polish-Chechen Committee,
> and common folks.
> Banners said "Leave the Chechens alone, drop your bombs on the
> Kremlin", and "Nurenberg tribunal for Jeltsin".
> The demonstration went later to the police station, shouting until everyone
> was released. One of the arrested was Marek Kurzyniec.
> Two of the arrested have been insured against police repression
> in ABC-Life.
> In Krakow, the gate of the consulate was chained, to demand
> the closing of the diplomatic representation of a country conducting
> genocide.
> In Poznan, the emblems on the embassy were stained in red (as were those
> on the american one during last week's Mumia Abu Jamal protest), and
> effigies of Jeltsin signed "murderer" were painted on the embassy's walls.
> Zaczek
> 2 - A Moscou
> From:
> Reply-To: "Alternative Network for Eastern Europe"
> <>
> To: "Alternative Network for Eastern Europe"
> <>
> Subject: [alter-ee] Demo in Moscow
> Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:28:20 +0300
> In 12 December we made action against war in Chechnya on the one of main
> streets in Moscow "Tverskaya". The idea was to declare the piece of Moscow
> area as an autonomus area from state and russian army. We printed very
> radical leaflets against politics of Russian
> government in Chechnya (see below in Russian) and leaflet with small poem
> about war to throw around this place. 27 people (mostly anarchists and
> people from Rainbow Keepers) took part but action
> was only about 10 minutes untill 7 people have been arrested and an other
> stoped the action.
> 12 December was the Day of Russian Constitution and there were at least
> 8 demo in Moscow, one of them (to support Zhirinovskii) was in the same
> place where we met with jornalists which were invited to go to action. We
> didn't hope to attract any attention of russian press because it's
> controled by government as it was in Soviet time but we spreaded a lot of
> information among them and among foreign mass-media and they could not find
> us in the crowd of zherinovtsev any way :-( As
> a result only one Japanese TV made video about action. We invited
> personally TV-jornalists which made video about Zhirinovskii' demo to our
> action but they only said "thank you".
> Only one person from arrested people visited court and i don't know
> results yet. The rest dicided not to go. Transnational Radical Party,
> Russian Democratic Union, Movement against Violence (Ekaterinburg), tatarian
> muslim party "Vatan" and Revolution Contact Committi (something new)
> organized several actions also but usually there were only 3-20 people each
> time. I think we should try to unite these groups and make common action
> against war. It would attract much more attention. We printed antiwar
> stikers and glue them in underground now and draw the slogans "State is
> the main terrorist", "No war", "Take army at home", "War-money-war" on the
> walls. But it's not so easy: Moscow is full of police and there is a
> pre-election campaign and much more attention to the propaganda. Majority of
> people don't support the protests against war because they are afraid of
> terrorists. One person who put stiker on the wall in metro has had conflict
> with fascist.
> "Vatan" will make legal action on Friday again. Our mass-media keep
> silent about protest against war abroad. I asked familiar
> jornalist from agency, she said that it's impossible to put this kind of
> information in the list of news.
> Olga
> ************************************
> Gosudarstvo - glavniyi terrorist!
> Prevratim den` el`tzinskoi konstitutzii v
> Den` Osvobojdenniyh Territorii!
> Zachistim Moskvu ot armii i vlasti!
> Poleznaya konstitutziya dlya naroda mojet
> biyt` tol`ko odna - razrushenie Imperii.
> M.A.Bakunin
> Segodnya - den` el`tzinskoi konstitutzii. Pravovoe demokraticheskoe
> gosudarstvo otmechaet svoi ocherednoi prazdnik. V nashu jizn` uje prochno
> voshli takie ponyatiya, kak "tochechniye udariy" (to est` aviabombejki
> jiliyh domov), "zachistki" (to est` politzeiskii i armeiskii proizvol protiv
> mirniyh jitelei), "predviyborniye tehnologii" (to est` loj` i ubiistva iz-za
> ugla). El`tzinskaya konstitutziya garantiruet nam bespravie, nish`zetu,
> tiysyachi bejentzev i tiysyachi soldat, broshenniyh v myasorubku
> bessmiyslennoi boini.
> Nam predlagayut vnov` dobrovol`no viybrat` sebe hozyaev. V kotoriyi uje
> raz miy viybiraem "luchshih", a oni vse huje i huje!
> Nam predlagayut souchastvovat` - passivno ili aktivno - v ubiistvah
> tiysyach lyudei na Kavkaze. Ne uspeli miy osudit` afganskuyu voinu, kak
> tut je vlyapalis` v chechenskuyu. Ne uspeli miy izbavit`sya ot odnoi
> diktaturiy, kak pod shumok voiniy nam sajayut na sheyu novuyu.
> Ot aviabomb i dinamitniyh vzriyvov, ustroenniyh bandami putiniyh,
> basaeviyh i lujkoviyh, gibnut lyudi. A drugie lyudi delayut na ietom den`gi
> i reitingi, tyanutsya k nefti i vlasti.
> Im net chisla - vsem ietim bezumniym prezidentam, iefiesbieshniym
> prem`eram, vsemogush`zim oligarham, mafiozniym mieram i prodajniym
> deputatam‹
> Miy reshili po-svoemu otmetit` ietot den`. Miy hotim prevratit` den`
> konstitutzii v Den` Osvobojdenniyh Territorii. Miy hotim nachat` s malogo -
> ochistit` hotya biy pamyatnik Yuriyu Dolgorukomu i territoriyu vokrug nego
> ot politzii i spetzslujb, ot politikanov i burjuev, ot viyborov i voin. Miy
> nikogo ne viybiraem, nikogo ne prosim i nikomu ne peredoveryaem svoyu
> sud`bu. Kajdiyi chelovek i kajdiyi narod zaslujivaet tu uchast`, kotoruyu
> imeet. Esli vse lyudi posleduyut nashemu primeru, to mir izmenitsya k
> luchshemu.
> Net voine za Kreml`!
> Net politzeiskomu gosudarstvu!
> Net viyboram bez viybora!
> Da - Osvobojdenniym Territoriyam!
> Da - obsh`zestvennomu samoupravleniyu!
> Da - osvobojdeniyu lichnosti!
> Anarhistskoe Antivoennoe Dvijenie
> Svyaziyvaites` s nami po adresu:
> 3 - A Berlin
> From: Francoise Greve <h0444rgg@STUDENT.HU-BERLIN.DE>
> Reply-To: ALTER-EE Alternative Network for Eastern Europe ALTER-EE
> <>
> To: Multiple recipients of list ALTER-EE <>
> Subject: anti-chechyen-war meeting
> Date: Fri, 17 Dec 1999 19:11:19 +0100
> 16.12.99 Berlin
> About 1000 people met at the Brandenburg-Gates to express their protest
> against the war in Chechnya. The meeting called "A light for Chechnya" was
> organized by the Society for threatened peoples, the German-Caucasian
> Society and an Organisation of Bosnian people obviously supported by the
> Turkish Muslim because unexpectedly most of the demonstrators were Turkish
> and only a few Germans were standing there with their candles. At the same
> time there were meetings like this in 89 towns in Germany as the
> organisers said.
> Besides of the fact that only few Germans seem to to concern about the
> war and wish to protest the whole act was a demontration of solidarity of
> Muslim people. Representatives of all the organisations were speaking
> also one of the Chechyen Green Party.
> As always they made a comparison with Hitler, Stalin, the Holocaust and
> the Kosovo. This way of thinking may attract many people. Although the
> police was overrepresented (probably they fear the destruction of the
> beautiful Adlon-Hotel and the most important place in Berlin) nothing
> happened compared to the adventurous meeting in Warsaw a few days before.
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