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From "samizdat.net" <samizdat@ecn.org>
Date Mon, 21 Feb 2000 09:14:27 +0100
Subject globe_l: Autriche - Repression in Austria starts!


Yesterday some 250 000 people assembled to protest against the
new austrian government. Also a few hundred antifascists from
other european countries participated, to show their solidarity for
the antifascist resistance in Austria. But from the beginning they
were faced with a massive repression against them. A lot weren't
even allowed to come to Vienna, most were searched, such
dangerous items like helmets, sprays and felt-tip pens (!!!) were
confiscated. Some of them came to the Ernst Kirchweger Haus
(EKH, a formerly squatted house in Vienna) to stay there
overnight. At 11am special squads started to control and search
everyone, who tried to leave the house, some where also
photographed, there were no reasons given for that behaviour.
Later the antifascists made it to the meeting point near the
ėWestbahnhof" (big railway station). But when the demonstration
started to move the police tried to prevent the international block
from joining the demo. As this didn't work out as they expexted,
they started to beat up the antifacists. Some were injured, but no
one was arrested at this point. In the end the block could join the
demo and no more accidents occured till the end of the big march.
The chief of the Austrian police later unintentionally confirmed
our view of what happened, as he stated in the news, that there
was a "dangerous situation", because "people from the radical left
tried to mix with other protestors". We didn't know that in
Austria it isn't allowed anymore to march where you want inside
of a demonstration.

In the evening some 200 protestor gathered again in front of the
Headquarter of the cpnservative OeVP. Some glasses were broken,
and the police reacted with another brutal police action. Most
protestors where searched, photographed and noted. At least 4
people were arrested, the others were heavily threatened and
beaten by the special squad police officers. Even some people, who
weren't at all involved in the protests that evening, and just were
on their way to the daily discussions in the ėBurgtheater" (most
famous theatre in Vienna) were searched that way.

Obviously this whole police action was a massive attempt to let
things escalate, and by that to criminalize non-social-democratic
antifascist resisctance. How far the organizing human-rights
groups ("Demokratische Offensive", "SOS Mitmensch") were
involved in what happened, has to be clarified. Some days before
they stated that they will work together with the police to "isolate"
"violent groups", the police later confirmed this cooperation.

Don't let the resistance be splitted up!
Against the criminalization of antifascist resistance!

Rosa Antifa Wien (RAW)

#  Rosa Antifa Wien         #
#  c/o Rosa Lila Tip        #
#  Linke Wienzeile 102      #
#  A-1060 Wien              #
#  AUSTRIA                  #
# ------------------------- #
#  Tel.: +43 (1) 64 15 999  #
#  E-Mail: raw@swi.priv.at  #



G            L            O            B           E

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s a m i z d a t . n e t
european counter network
bureaucratie : samizdat@ecn.org
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