Wed, 31 Jan 2001 13:25:08 +0100
globe_l: [ Freedom for the leaders of the popular protests in Ecuador! ]
Subject: Freedom for the leaders of the popular protests in Ecuador!
The Antiimperialist Camp denounces the arrest of two of the most
important leaders of the popular struggle in Ecuador: Luis VillacÌs
Maldonado, National President of the Popular Front and one of the
official speakers of the Patriotic Front, as well as Antonio Vargas, the
well known leader of the CONAIE (Confederation of Indigenous
Nationalities of Ecuador).
All the promises of the government of Noboa to the poor people that rose
up one year ago against the hunger-politics of the former corrupt
government of Jamil Mahuad and even could overthrow it, have proofed to
be cheap lies to betray the people, to demobilize and pacify its fights.
There is no more doubt: the government of Noboa, ex-vice-president of
the overthrown president Mahuad and now president of the Republic,
doesn't respect the sovereignty of the people, but only the totalitarian
sovereignty of the international capital, of globalisation and the
omnipotence of IMF and the World Bank.
A government, that has no answer to the demands of the people but
repression and violence, has lost all democratic legitimation. The
people therefore has the democratic right to resist this tyranny and
fight to bring it down in order to reconquer the democratic sovereignty
of the people with a government of the majorities of workers, peasants,
indigenous peoples and the poor.
All the democrats and anti-imperialists worldwide and all those who
oppose the capitalist globalisation and the neoliberal totalitarism have
to support the democratic and revolutionary people's struggle in Ecuador
and denounce strongly the new wave of repression against the popular
We demand the immediate and unconditional release of Luis VillacÌs
Maldonado and Antonio Vargas and all the political prisoners!
We call on all the democratic, revolutionary, anti-imperialist and
popular organizations to mobilize in order to denounce the repression of
the popular struggle in Ecuador!
Long lives the fight to reconquer the sovereignty of the people - long
lives people's power!
Facing this situation all the movements that oppose globalisation and
protested in Seattle, Prag, Biarritz, Nizza and Davos and that met in
Porto Alegre, now have to rise urgently their protest. In Ecuador the
people has risen against the barbarism of globalisation. It is there
where we have to show our real internationalist capacity of supporting
the advance of the mass struggle against neoliberalism and for the
construction of people's power as the only alternative to the
anti-people's governments imposed by the transnational capital.
Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10
Des Ètrangers sont expulsÈs sur les lignes d'AIR FRANCE tous les jours,
souvent battus, menottÈs, scotchÈs ý leur siËge.
Il peut y avoir un mort sur un dÈpart d'AIR FRANCE ý tout moment.
Boycottons AIR FRANCE.
Foreigners are deported on AIR FRANCE lines every day. They are often
beaten up, handcuffed, sellotaped to thier seat.
Someone may die on an AIR FRANCE any day.
++ stop de execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++
++ if you agree copy these 3 sentences in your own sig ++
++ more info: ++
"Ce n'est pas avec de petits coups qu'on agit sur les masses.
J'effaroucherai le bourgeois peut-Ítre; qu'est-ce que cela me fait si
je rÈveille le peuple... Dante, Tacite, JÈrÈmie, David, IsaÔe ne
sont-ils pas violents ?... Nous serons modÈrÈs quand nous serons
vainqueurs." Victor Hugo
Nanar <> - Ni dieu, ni maÓtre, ni ordre moral.
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